Smashy City

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5 stars (1votes)

This is an exciting simulator where you have to take control of the monsters that are located in a large city. You need to do everything possible to ensure that the nightmares obey you. To do this, you can use all available tools. Destroy skyscrapers and various buildings without stopping on the achieved goals.

Battle features

All legal structures and armed forces will do everything possible to stop your dinosaurs. Your task is to cause maximum damage to the environment. At the same time, you can use all available opportunities to achieve your goals. Fight with the most accurate and modern military equipment, showing your effectiveness and enjoying the gameplay.
You can control different types of giant monsters. For example, you can create an army with wolves, lizards, or monkeys. Achieve the best results with minimal costs and also take a leading position in the standings now. Compete with your friends to prove your efficiency and professionalism.

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