BitLife – Life Simulator

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Our life consists of choices. We may not realize how many of them we make, but we make them every day. Small choices are just as important as big ones because they form our habits and define where the entire course of our life goes on a daily basis. And BitLife is a game that will clearly show it to you!

Live a life you’ll be proud of!

Here you will control a character from the very beginning of his or her life to its very end. You won’t be able to choose the hero, though, and will have to play as a random one assigned to you before the start. Every year you’ll have to make some kind of a choice that will affect the further course of your character’s life. Will you be an A student or get kicked out of college? What kind of job will you choose? Successful banker, usual clerk or maybe rockstar? Whom will you marry? Maybe you’ll prefer to stay single and have multiple affairs instead? Live an exciting virtual life online!

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