Animal Shelter Simulator

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4.5 stars (2votes)

In a perfect world, all cats and dogs are happy, well-fed and loved. However, things are not as cloudless when it comes to real life. Hundreds of animals have no home, and they can count only on kind people that are not indifferent to their fate. If you always dreamed of becoming one of those legendary animal rescuers we read in the news, here is your chance!

Save all those poor animals!

Animal Shelter Simulator offers you a possibility to take care of all the kitties and puppies that were left in the street and have nowhere to live. You will gather them all over the city and accommodating these poor creatures at your shelter. Of course, it won’t be so big at first and there will hardly be a place for all of them, so you’ll only be able to take in just a bunch. However, working on their wellbeing day after day, completing tasks and finding new homes for your furry wards will bring you coins that can be spent on expanding your facility and equipping it with various stuff like furniture, toys and special items that will make their stay here much more comfortable and nice.

New home for puppies and kitties!

Of course, it would be great if all the animals you pick up were groomed and healthy. But most of the times, they will be skinny, disheveled and sick. It’s your responsibility to get them back in a good shape. Start by washing the newly found cat or dog. Then brush their hair, clean their eyes and ears, check them for any signs of illnesses. Sometimes you’ll have to deal with rather serious wounds or even perform surgeries. Don’t be afraid, it all comes with experience! In a little while, you’ll know everything about your little four-legged charges and will be able to make real friends with them. Nice realistic graphics, interesting gameplay and lots of opportunities make Animal Shelter Simulator a great game for all animal lovers!

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